Weekly Artifacts | Wally Parr's Beret

2018-04-28 13:08:48

This beret was one of the original artifacts on display when The National World War II Museum opened as The National D-Day Museum on June 6, 2000. It’s part of The D-Day Invasion of Normandy exhibit that has all the other original artifacts including The Air and Sea Armada. It’s breathtaking to think about how far The Museum has come and how much it’s grown.

This Museum has so many incredible artifacts. The story behind this beret (as pictured) is that the owner was shot at, and the bullet pierced the beret and left a gash in Wally’s head. This beret was actually worn during the war that changed the world. Let that sink in. It was worn by a man that fought for our freedom and helped us win. Wally could’ve been killed, and The Museum probably wouldn’t have gotten this piece of history. It's small artifacts like this one that really bring a sense of humanity and personal experiences to this Museum.

Updated at: 2019-07-21 21:09:23

Tags: artifacts wwii wwiimuseum reflection

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